
By biddy

Catching the light. 16:51.

The sedum at the top of the garden.
It’s been a kind of busy day. As the weather has been fine and intermittently sunny except for a spell of cloudy skies during the afternoon.
I put another load of washing in the machine from the spare bed and some extras, before breakfast. It was hung on the line afterwards and the towels all consigned to the wash. Stephen went out up to the shops.
Two beds were changed.
After lunch I felt unusually tired so I watched a really good Hitchcock film on tv which I had downloaded some time back. “Frenzy”. A bit raw in places (being filmed in the 70’s) but a really good tense story.
It was like a Saturday afternoon at the cinema without having to get there and come back again!
Complete with cosy settee, and a coffee!
One bed has been remade and all of the washing has dried beautifully.
I am writing this in the summerhouse enjoying the low afternoon sun catching the nasturtiums and sedum just outside the door.
More shrub roses are about to flower.
The ones nearest the summerhouse are glowing pink right now. Hubby is clearing some invasive plants/weeds for me at the back of the middle border. I had a go yesterday and am suffering for it today!
I’ve also managed to make inroads into my French detective novel. “L’homme aux cercles bleus” . by Fred Vargas. I like her detective stories, concerning Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg.
At the moment the sky has cleared of clouds and is pale to deeper blue.
Almost time for tea…..
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
It seems we may have a last burst of summer on the horizon for the next few days.

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