Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

The Dales

It wasn't too breezy this morning so I went and took some pictures of the sunflowers in No1 son's garden before we packed up, said our goodbyes and headed for home.

We decided to take a different route home going across country through The Dales.
Of course, there had to be a stop at Wensleydale to buy some cheese.
After leaving there we got stuck behind 3 vintage scooters who were taking up the whole road and refusing to let us past. They were also choking up with their exhaust fumes - so after a while I stopped to take some pictures.

The next stop was in Penrith for cake and a hot drink .... it is compulsory when you get such a huge discount when using their loyalty card (we got them specifically for this reason when going to & from No1 son).

The weather was fine until we got to Lockerby when there was a short burst of rain ... and the ran started about 2 miles from home!!

Some shots are Here

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