Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Early morning swim

It was sooooo nice for my human to get back to her early morning swim today. She hasn't done any sea swimming for more than a week because the weather was awful at the beginning of the week and then thousands of jellyfish started showing up on the beach/sea and my human didn't want to get stung.

Yesterday (before we sat on our rock) we did a reccy of Porthgwidden Beach and didn't see one single jellyfish, so Ann whatsapp'd her 'Dippers & Swimmers' group and said, 'Who wants to come for a swim?'

Three of them went for a swim, but there were also a lot of other people swimming at Porthgwidden this morning. The tide was out and there were a few jellyfish on the beach but Ann didn't see any in the sea. There was, however, a big fat seal but he wasn't anywhere near where Ann & her friends were swimming so that was OK.

The sea was flat calm this morning, so after Ann had finished her swim, she attempted to make me go for a swim. I don't like those things called waves, but there wasn't many waves this morning. Ann threw my ball into the sea and I had to swim to retrieve it. I did it a couple of times, but then I got fed up and just clenched it in between my teeth and wouldn't give it back. I don't really see the point of swimming in the sea. And anyway all Ann's stuff needed guarding. I'm very good at that.

We walked home via Porthmeor Beach and I got to play with my ball the whole way. Yay! I was so tired by then that I had to keep having little 'flop downs' (in this Blip). The 'Surf School' was very busy on the walk back home (as in the background of this Blip) and as we walked along the beach, loads of people told me that I was the cutest, happiest, little Collie pup ever. Ann felt like the proudest Collie pup mummy in the world.

 …................She loves it when I get compliments. I really am the best!!

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