
By Happyme


This little breakfast set has been in our village hall recycle shop for many weeks and I have resisted buying it, despite really loving it. Today I decided it was time to give it a new home.
I have been absent from blip for a month. I've been struggling with many issues, and despite the one day highlight seeing my granddaughter on her birthday, there has really been nothing that would have been good to share. 
I have dipped in and out of other journals during that time sprinkling stars and hearts but for some reason couldn't bring myself to post despite continuing to take photos. 
I've picked myself up, shook myself off and feel ready again. I've always felt myself a glass half full person so I'm raising that glass again from today.
I have a lovely stay with my daughter and SIL coming up this week. That will be a very happy place to be so time to be making the very best of every day!
Hope everyone has something to smile about this weekend!

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