One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Cochon tiré chez Charles

Carlos treated Colm and I to tasty pulled pork in floury baps, tiramisu and Coca-Cola in posh glasses. We were celebrating Colm’s return to the tax-paying, laborious section of the population.

The conversation was animated. We discussed in no particular order the total rip-off that is the PS5 Pro (I give it another 2 months before Colm caves in and buys one), Homo Sapiens and the Neanderthal genocide, the average speed of Romanian trains, Gaza and Israel, bad backs, the Serbs and the Croats, a 21st century St Bartholomew in Northern Ireland, housing for "our own", 50% of a supposedly advanced nation willing to vote for a mythomaniac sociopath, the abstract construct that we call money, the war in Ukraine and the benefits of calisthenics (the main benefit being that it is 100% free).

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