
By TheOttawacker

Another day of two halfs

Real day of two halfs – or is it halves? Struggled to get anything done at all in the morning, slept badly and ended up sitting in front of the computer willing myself to focus but, in reality, staring at the screen. Thankfully I managed to spark myself into life before noon… About time – but I did it: made plans, gots some ideas, and got down to them.
Had a visit with the domineering Anna at FRST at 2 – not a bad session, but somehow she annoys me. I know that a personal trainer is supposed to be annoying, but not in this way. As we started, she got the various equipment out and then found a set of scales, upon which she weighed herself. To be honest, I was surprised it registered, as she is as thin as a rake – sparrow legs – and she may well have been better off using a pair of kitchen scales. “I have to lose weight,” she said. “I have a photoshoot.” I suggested that she take off her shoes, which to my shock, she did. “Da, it work,” she said. “Now I have to go running.” I half expected her to head off there and then, but she stuck around to make my life a misery for the full hour.
In fairness, the rest of the session was pretty good – maybe because we were the only ones in the gym and she wasn’t as “domineering” because of that. Or maybe I just felt less self-conscious. Then home, and some more NZ work, and then a snack and I was off to Franco-Cité with Ottawacker Jr., as he had been called up for the U13s final game of the season. I ended up doing his warm ups, which essentially undid the good work of the afternoon, but it definitely helps him and that is why I am here, after all.
They were playing against Russell, a big (and I mean BIG) team. They had players who looked 17 or 18 playing. What do they put in the food in the green belt… actually, don’t tell me. The physical difference was quite shocking, actually, but the OISC team played well and wasn’t too intimidated. Russell won 1-0, but Ottawacker Jr. was very good (and I give him public praise between clenched teeth, as I don’t want it going to his head – he is, after all, related to me, and I am the last person who should ever receive praise).

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