Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Poplar Cottage

Another Heritage event had me heading into the depths of West Sussex and the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum. It is home to around 50 buildings dismantled and reconstructed at the site, or constructed from archaeological evidence, from across SE England covering time periods from the Saxons to the present day.  As well as the historic houses and associated ephemera, today's event included artisans showing off some heritage crafts and skills.

I haven't visited the museum at the weekend during one of their events before, so was prepared for busy crowds, but was pleasantly surprised to find that though busier than previous visits the site easily absorbed the crowds and I had a good day walking around.

This building is Poplar Cottage, a mid-17th century cottage which was probably the home of a landless labourer or craftsman. A flock of geese roamed the field opposite, carefully ignoring some sort of farm vehicle. The museum has a number of such vehicles dotted around the site, some of which are still used to managed the land.

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