
By Wanderers13

Eating out

This little one looks hopeful, as is the slightly bigger fellow in extra.

We walked into the old town of Houten around lunch time, our exchangers described it as cosy, a good word. A centre area, possibly for a market at some stage, surrounded by small shops and eating places. We decided to eat at the place suggested in the house notes, it was good. 

The white dog looked ever hopeful and reminded me of a school inspector who had a similar looking dog, the chap for some reason came to our primary school in Birdlip quite often, I can’t imagine truancy was a big issue in a small country school in the 50s.  His dog would lie on the back seat. 

A good walk and lunch, later meandering and browsing, the price of property here is eye watering, why we look I don’t know.  

Later a neighbour called in to say the power will be off for most of tomorrow, poor chap, we inundated him with questions…..he was very knowledgeable. Another extra was the curved wall outside a church, 

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