Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Horse power

Another very mixed day of weather! If only we knew what it was going to do so we could plan our days better!

Spent the morning on photographs - a lot of it trying to identify buildings with the help of Google Lens. When Mrs M reminded me that it was Oban & District Classic Vehicle Club's Motorfest today I decided I would walk down regardless of the weather. It cleared up after lunch, so I set only to meet a shower as I walked out of the door!

Quite a number of beautiful cars and other vehicles, many of them familiar sights. Just a pity if was showery and the light was dull. My Blip today is of a local man's wonderful Lagonda - I've taken many pictures of this over the years. He told me that he's bought another one recently, so I'll wait patiently for it to appear!  My extra today. is a very much keener photographer than I am!

Walked back home and arrived just in time to miss another shower. A little later on the sun emerged, so I did get half an hour outside with a book and a cuppa before a huge cloud covered the sky. Now as I write this there's hardly a cloud in the sky and the sun is streaming down!

Quote of the Day: 'I don’t even like old cars. I’d rather have a goddam horse. A horse is at least human, for God’s sake.' — J. D. Salinger.

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