
By Munni

Garden Sunday

While parts of Europe south and east of us are drowning in one of the worst floods in their history, we had a lovely, sunny day. 

I went out into the garden and repotted house plants until I ran out of potting soil. I‘m also starting to run out of windowsill space. At some point I‘ll either need to get rid of some plants (which I don’t find easy, as they all have a history and mean something to me), or get a bigger house…

While I worked, I spotted a red admiral on the buddleja bush. It didn’t want to pose for me, and the only photo I got of it isn’t very good. Still, it was a highlight of my day, as butterflies are so rare this year, so I am posting it nevertheless - plus a mountaineering snail that was sitting about a metre up a wall, and one of the overcrowded windowsills. 

Anyone interested in some houseplants?

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