Another Languedoc year...

By SweetApricots

At your service

The week before last we ordered some patio furniture from an online supplier. They claimed to have it in stock. Five days later they wrote to say they didn't have it and cancelled our order. Today, nine days later, they said they were processing our refund of several hundred euros. Good business eh? Now why didn't I think of that? Who needs banks?

We ordered similar stuff from another supplier a week ago. They claimed to have it in stock. Yesterday I wrote to ask where it was. Today they told me it had come in this morning and we should expect delivery in ten working days' time. So they'll have had our dosh for three weeks by then, including a 166 euro delivery charge. Another good business model!

Beginning to despair at the notion of service in France, we went into the local garage yesterday to ask if someone could come to get our car as it won't start. (They repaired the same fault a couple of months ago) 'Yes Madame, tomorrow morning?' 'Perfect' we said - utterly amazed that he should be so prompt. He arrived this morning at 8:30, complete with laptop and diagnostic software. 'You need a new part. I'll order it when I get back. If it comes in this afternoon I'll do your car later today. If not, it will be Monday' Ali and I fell over with shock. Remember, France has no AA or RAC so you're at the mercy of the garages when you break down. Anyway, we love this chap and his speedy service. Locals, take note: Garage d'Hérèpian.

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