
By helenann

Simpson's Gap and Alice Springs

This morning we arrived in Alice Springs. 
We had been offered a choice of off-train excursions. We choose bush walks. We were taken by coach to Cassia Hill where we did a short walk. It was already very hot but there was a strong breeze which helped cool us ( and kept the flies away!). Here we are descending the hill with Simpson's Gap in the background.  We drove onto the Gap where there is a small creek. 
After a buffet lunch at Desert Park we had a further walk to the famous old Telegraph Station, before returning to Alice. 
In the early evening we were all taken back to the Telegraph Station for a fantastic dinner under the stars, with dancing to a small band, a chance to see the artefacts at the Telegraph Office, now a museum,and even camel rides! 
Extras taken at Simpson's Gap. 
Still catching up on blips when wifi available! 

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