The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Flavour In The Shape

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

“I’m going to the local shop, would you like anything?” I asked The Prince.

The Prince pondered and then looked slightly grumpy, “Do you know what they’ve stopped selling in that shop?”


“Wotsits. They don’t have them any more. I’m raging.”

“Raging seems slightly disproportionate”. I mused. “Could that possibly be linked to a hangover?”


He continues airing his grievances “And they don’t have cheese and onion square crisps anymore either. They’ve stopped selling ALL of my favourites…I’ll have salt and vinegar square crisps.”

I was confused “You don’t even like salt and vinegar.”

“But I like the shape.”

I was p1ssing myself! I love hungover logic!

Panic not. I managed to find the cheese and onion ones for him in another shop so the day was saved!


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