
By RadioGirl

Mono Monday - Still Life From My Kitchen

I’ve managed to make a small start on sorting out the wardrobes in what was Mum and Dad’s room, so that I can empty at least some of the removal boxes. It has been difficult physically (not enough space anywhere to manoeuvre all the ‘stuff’) and emotionally. I’ve got a lot less done than I’d hoped. I’m feeling very sad and empty now, and terribly lonely. I will never get over losing Mum and Dad. This task is really another form of grief - there’s no way around it, I will just have to go through it somehow. Six weeks on from the completion and move, the euphoria of getting shot of the flat has worn off and I’m left with the consequence of squeezing the contents of two homes into one small one. It’s completely overwhelming and to be honest my heart’s not in it.

The kitchen is the best room in the house at the moment, because it doesn’t have any boxes in it and looks normal. This is a study of some of the home-grown produce given to me by a friend a few days ago - so much tastier than supermarket fare. Thanks to Carolina for hosting the Mono Monday challenge, with this week’s theme of ‘Still Life - something simple from your kitchen’.

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