A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Hot ladies in Leeds!

Not sure if this was heaven or hell today.

I had arranged to meet friends at 11.00 am in city station with no great purpose except one of our number is looking for a wedding outfit - not me - not very successfully.

Wandering through the Trinity Centre (my first visit) I took this shot of the view of Trinity church through the glass skyline. On leaving we found that the church has a cafe called the Nurture cafe selling very nice and reasonable sandwiches so we stopped for lunch. Couldn't resist a picture of the little cow milk jug! The glass 'benches' were interesting in the style of the rest of the centre on Boar Lane, just outside the church.

We proceeded up Briggate past this statue that I haven't noticed before and then down through the cool Victoria Quarter with it's brilliant stained glass ceiling.
Our last stop was the Corn Exchange which I normally love but today it was just too hot to be comfortable in there.

Home on the train. Great to be back lounging on the steamer chair as I do my blip in the shade. Not sure why we went really but always good to see people and to see the city in it's summer guise.

One of my friends kept looking at boots - not yet the summer will be over all too soon!

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