Everyday Life

By Julez

Monday, Monday...

Just the usual really - getting organised for the week ahead, a bit of housework and shopping. At Morrison's this week as Sainsbury's have become ridiculously expensive again!

This photo was taken on my walk down to the shop. 

This morning I sat down on the sofa to eat my cereal. As I started eating I realised I'd left my coffee in the kitchen so I went back for it, just setting the bowl down on the sofa. When I returned I soon realised that the sofa cushion was damp and thought Minstrel must have come in and spilt milk in the process of investigating my bowl. 

I sat the other side of the sofa to finish my breakfast and then set to to clean the sofa cushion. Turned out it was damp because Minstrel had vomited furball on there this morning and Brian had cleaned it, leaving the cushion wet! I need not have cleaned it again had I known! Never mind...

I feel like I am getting a cold today. My throat is sore and I feel a bit rough. I've not had a cold for ages, other than the weird one that I think is actually just some sort of reaction to cleaning products since it comes and goes so quickly!

It's good to be home now and able to just relax for a while!

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