
By SparseRunner


With a two-hour flight east at 14:00, I felt as if I'd spent all day travelling, and all I'd done was go from Penicuik (leaving at 10:30) to the apartment in Berlin where I'll be for the next fortnight (arriving 19:15).

It was a lovely sunny day in Edinburgh, but rather damp and grey in Berlin. However, it'd forecast to be sunny and warm here for at least a week.

Once I'd found my apartment, checked in and had a quick shower, it was time to walk over to meet И for burgers and bier at "Peter Pane", our go-to restaurant in Steglitz. It was good to catch up in person for once.

It's going to be a busy week, as my new PhD student B is here for a two-week graduate course, I'm giving a lecture tomorrow morning, and will be wanting to attend other lectures for a crash course in something I need to learn more about. И will be meeting our former developer L to get to the bottom of some odd behaviour in an important piece of code that she (L) wrote, I'll want to talk to L about enhancing her solver, and it will be good for her and B to meet, as he will be working on the same solver. 

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