The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Indian peppermint and Eucalyptus G. from China

My mother trained in aromatherapy in the late 1980s. I had left home by then, but her potions, poultices and steam inhalations had a life of their own. In due course (1990 and 2001-2) I trained too and became a clinical aromatherapist. I ran a business successfully as my only source of income from 2006-08, but the credit crunch made me aware of the need to retrain in other disciplines. By 2020, when the pandemic came along, I only had one patient. I think she has dementia now, and I don't see her anymore, which is a great shame and rather complicated to explain. ...I still have former patients requesting products, though. 

Today I felt too rotten even to do a steam inhalation. I definitely didn't go to work. The day was beautiful and sunny, but I dozed and tried to watch TV on the laptop and kept falling asleep. When I did get up I felt as if there was a heavy weight on my chest, and had to lie down after moving around. I've been trying to sit up, but I can't last very long in a seated position. Fortunately I have a brand new pulse oximeter that came as a freebie with something else, so  I am able to check my oxygen levels. I also feel sick. 

I've tested negative for CoVid (as of last night). I'm hoping that normal service will resume soon. 

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