
By McCaviti


The TT challenge (Iris, #TT486) I set today was a bit beyond my skillset so looking forward to seeing everyone else's entries.   

Here's the best I could manage in five minutes with my blue-eyed boy - despite reading an article on how to do it, I failed to achieve focus - and I managed to get a reflection in the picture.  Actually, I do like clever reflections in an eye shot, and since I have been banging on about eyes being windows to the soul, this is somehow appropriate.  

For a spell when he was ten he had a seemingly permanent broken vein in his eyes, and initial tests suggested it might be indicative of a serious condition that would result in constant tumours that would become dangerous about the age he is now.

But fortunately not!  

I was never a fan of blue eyes until this one came along, but they're certainly much easier to photograph than the dark brown eyes of my daughter. 

Of course, you don't have to photograph eyes for the challenge - anything iris or eye related  (idiom, rainbow, surprise me!) will do, as explained yesterday.

Good luck!  Results should be posted Friday or Saturday.

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