
By loisbiz

A Beautiful Afternoon

This is the photo I took on Sunday afternoon when I stopped by the County Library. The business park behind the library maintains a lovely lake and walking trails open to the public. Today's ducks were Mallards, joined by Red-Winged Blackbirds in the surrounding bushes. It is a great place to walk and feel very safe.

Today was the "Holy Closure" of a church that thrived with the leadership that started it about 30 years. Sadly, the leaders left for various reasons, and a new pastor came in; the congregation went from 300 to 30 attendees; it is a sad story. We bought a warehouse and converted it into a beautiful worship facility but, of course, the smaller group could not keep up the payments so it was sold. Because the building was at a high value when we sold it, right before Covid, there was a great deal of money earning interest over the last 4 years. The point I am trying to make is that part of the "Holy Closure" was donating that money to several organizations. The small group assigned the task of making a recommendation of where to donate did a good job of finding groups who will use the money well to support the people of our community. I haven't attended the online services in the last couple of years but I am very close to many of the long ago members and we feel good that the money was given wisely.

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