
By Tryards

On reflection .....

We reluctantly left so many new friends from Holland, France and England and such a beautiful site. We wandered down to the lake again just before breakfast. The only things that seemed to be moving were the water skaters. Even the birds were singing their hearts out, but not moving in the trees. We travelled nearly 200 miles today and thought about blipping 200 euros for our 200th blip but "on reflection" our thoughts went back to the site we had left. We had a 1 hour shower of rain near Limoges and the sun reappeared in time for our arrival here. We quickly set up on site where we met some Dutch people who were here last year and then went to Gannat to book some tickets for the 40th festival of world music and dance. Our second day of rain is forecast for tomorrow and then the temperatures are set to rise.

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