The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

Oh What A

………………………….beautiful day!

I woke at 6am so got my blip early…there was a lovely line of mist just hugging the sea. Struggled to get back to sleep but did eventually before my alarm went off. Tried yoga this morning for the first time since I was a teenager, I found bits I’d long forgotten existed! This afternoon has largely been spent relaxing in the garden in the unaccustomed sunshine! Can’t believe how low in the sky the sun is already, my wee garden was mostly in shadow. The pots needed watered so that’s been done and I now need to get ready for camera club this evening.

In other news I picked and ate my first tomato for lunch…it was a very expensive tomato! I do believe one of my spring bulbs is shooting through…so upside down has the weather been. It may be an iris but can’t be certain at the moment!

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