
By fitzbilly


We've been to see Lee today, bumping in to Thor on the way.  The bus to Cheltenham (free to us oldies) and Meerket Movies (2 for 1) makes it a relatively low cost way of doing it. We even treated ourselves to lunch and some Maltesers in the cinema.

The film is worth seeing, though I found it a bit flat and dark. It's a great story though, very moving, with an excellent performance from Kate Winslet. It did make us wonder how all these films were processed and developed in the middle of a battlefield. I suppose just the films were sent back to the office?

Yesterday JohnRH wondered why we had holes in a fridge door. I've added an extra of the door. It's a decorative thing, I guess to break up the otherwise flat look of the door, and to make it look a bit like a pantry door with ventilation. I know I spent ages sorting out the right colour to paint some card to go behind the holes, otherwise you would just see the metallic finish of the fridge door.

One year ago: 
Bride To Be

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