
By AnneILM60

Ruby Throated Hummingbird

Thank goodness today brought dry skies!

There are a few roads our way closed due to damage or downed trees but south of us there are lots of severely damaged roads.

There are many people we know with flooded homes and cars etc. This storm came with little warning and so the usual precautions were not taken and as a result much has been lost.

Kent & I fared very well and appreciate how fortunate we are.

Today I spent a couple of hours on the porch with MiniMe as she was feeling very needy. She was constantly reaching up and swatting me to get my attention and to get me to scratch her neck.

There were plenty of birds in the trees and at the feeders and still hungry hummingbirds visiting as well.

Kent and I went into town and picked up a couple of items that we each needed at Staples and we called that our big excursion for the day!

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