
Today on the way to Oban, I was hungry & decided to go for lunch en route so we swung into the Chartroom bistro at the Loch Melfort Hotel. We placed our order then settled down outside as it was scorching hot. We were blethering away in Gaelic as we often do. Beside us were an American couple & as usual I was eareywigging on their conversation and had come to the conclusion that if I were the woman I would have battered her husband long ago!
First & unusually for Americans his voice was very low but when you listened to his replies to her you understood why! It was that evil controlling way he spoke to her and gave her faciscious replies! e.g. she got a huge pot of mussels and exclaimed "thats the biggest amount I ever ate" his reply "I've seen you eat more" She asked us how to get to the sea, we said there are two paths the one through the gate or the short one over by. "lets take the short one" "we take the one I chose ...the established one" said he Seriously!
She then enquired where we came from & I said Uist & explained we were talking Gaelic. There was another woman sitting on the grass who then turned round and asked if I was Davina's mother. Turns out they were at school together in Uist! The American lady was gobsmacked but we are well used to meeting folks from all over who tend to know someone or other from an island but seridnipity none the less.
Trying to multi task, feed foks, feed dogs, dry washing, write up blip & pack as we are both off on a jolly to Iona tomorrow for something called "Pointing the Keystone" celebrating 14500 years of St Columba. Had to try to buy a smart top as some Irish guy called Michael D Higgins & some Scottish politician called Fiona Hyslop are among the bigwigs. Who knows we might even be on Telly! Aye right!
Happy blipping all

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