My day

By 59

River walk

Bathurst has most things except a beach. Well it has a little duck beach for those inclined. I wouldn’t fancy a swim in the river, it’s is very cold and fast flowing. Sub zero temperatures all week overnight but it fines up to a lovely day. This is the Wambool (aka Macquarie River) taken on our 5km walk. Since stopping my HRT I’m getting the worst hot flushes and feel I’m going to melt which makes a walk really difficult. Wide shot on Wednesday but not on theme of “person or People”. 

This afternoon I went to my first Radiation session. I feel the same as it’s just like a long X-ray. They say the side effects these days are minimal except for tiredness. Bob drove me to Orange for the session which is just under an hour away on a decent highway. For the first time ever there were no roadworks, I arrived 20 minutes early and went straight in. The room is huge and has a linear accelerator which weighs a few tons (tonnes - not sure what measurement that was in). A picture is in extras. As usual I asked questions so the radiographer got up my file and spent time trying to show me how it all works….way beyond me but I got the answers I wanted. Back in the morning for session #2 

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