
By Number147


I met Sarah and Carol at Hilperton for a long overdue catch up.

There was, what we assumed, a pre funeral gathering happening in the tearooms. There was clearly a dress code of black, white and red. Seemingly, no tears. Perhaps they came later. Everyone was about 40 and mainly men who greeted eachother with fist pumps and manly hugs. At one point, there was a queue and we considered joining it to see if we'd also get manly hugs. Kept us entertained. 

The weather was delightful so we enjoyed cake and tea and then a browse.

I bought a plant. It looks like a succulent but the label suggests it goes into the ground. I think I'll put it in the sun lounge with other succulents. I should Google it.

We discussed a Christmas gathering. It'll be here before we know it.

On the way home, I passed the crematorium at Semington. The carpark spilled on to the approach road. Someone very popular was being celebrated.

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