
By Fuentes3

La Loca del Rinconín...

Asturias has a substantial history of emigration, both for economic and for political reasons. The commissioning of the statue, officially titled The Mother of the Emigrant, after a false start or two, was finally set in motion in 1967, and Ramón Muriedas Mazorra was appointed. 
His work was not universally applauded: the woman is barefoot, and looks emaciated and bedraggled. The sculptor presumably thought that was an appropriate depiction but elsewhere there was a feeling she should look better fed and be wearing Asturian traditional clothing. 
Fortunately she has survived as you see her here, however, and has been given the name locally of La loca del Rinconín, or in Asturian La lloca ´l Rinconín - the madwoman in the little corner. She´s shown in the main and extras, standing in parkland, staring out over the Bay of Biscay, and waving goodbye to the departing emigrant.

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