
By mambo


…one of my favourite people.

Peggy was taken for a long walk this morning then Tim offered to stay at home so Adele and l could go shopping.
Adele bought a jacket and skirt in Hove, then we had lunch, two fabulous salads at Po.
We walked once again along the front into Brighton, very hot and sunny but the breeze , thought warm made it pleasant.
We stopped at the bandstand for photographs, what a beautiful piece of Victorian architecture and engineering. Nowadays often used as a wedding venue.
I then bought a thick corduroy trouser suit : boxy jacket , wide pants that l had seen earlier in the week. Oh and a black boxy shirt ( a bit of a theme here ) and some silver earrings.
We had a coffee then caught the bus back intending to spend some time in the garden but when l went upstairs to get changed l had a lay on my  bed instead. 

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