We have had rain all day, from a soft mist to downpours. We stayed close to the camp site except for the short walk to the bath house. This spicebush is readily available in this area. After Seek identified it, I looked it up to learn more. Although I am not a forager, I want to be aware of what’s available in the wild in case of emergency either for medicinal or food purposes. My sister now has quite a variety of books on the subject and both of our families have emergency supplies and equipment stored including dehydrated meals. Hopefully it will all be sold at our estate sale but I like being somewhat prepared. Hubby walked to the dumpster that they’ve stationed just outside the campground. We had leftovers for lunch and dinner so I haven’t had to cook. We emptied our pantry and separated items we use regularly from those not needed. That freed up space to better organize and spread out the small crates. We will remove all food items after this trip, our last of the season. :-( . Otherwise, we’ve read or worked puzzles under the canopy. I can feel the temps lowering so it is time for my hoodie and blanket. Wishing you a warm dry evening. Be safe. Thanks for your visit. “Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) has always been a favorite of foragers looking for unique flavors right out in the woods. It has a warm, spicy flavor that’s reminiscent of allspice, and every part is edible.” - https://practicalselfreliance.com/spicebush/
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