Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


I think I must be suffering from some of the side effects of the new tablets I started taking on Monday--- difficulty sleeping, headache, feeling sick, dry mouth and tiredness - all mentioned in the leaflet that came in the box.  Apparently these symptoms should improve when my body gets used to the medication.  I felt quite rough this morning but as the day has gone on I've felt better.

I had some parcels to collect from Tesco so I had a wander down to the village this afternoon.  Usual food shopping in Herons and Tesco as well. 

Took my blip shot before heading home. The Wide Wednesday challenge is ' Person or People' .   Its not a very interesting photo but at least it fits the theme - its wide and there are people in it.Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.

The weather today was lovely again - warm and sunny.

Steps today - 5,770

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