A little ray of sunshine

By Fizzerella

Sunset on a happy year

C had her last day a nursery today; She's ready to move on to school but she has really enjoyed her time there and it's just flown. Think I was more emotional than her though! I had a lovely consultation with her teacher and we have a file with lots of happy memories for us to look at together. J was very excited about it being the 'big holidays' but then got a bit sad that he won't be in Miss Garnet's class anymore. He's had a fantastic time in Year 2.

My hubby had the day off today so we could have a bit of time just the two of us before the holidays. We had a delicious lunch at The Bull at Broughton followed by a stroll by the river at East Riddlesden.

Loving all this sunshine but it was nice to take the children swimming after school to cool off.

A sunset seemed an appropriate blip for today, and the photos I took earlier were a bit dull. This was taken out of the Velux window in our spare room which until tonight I didn't realise you could see it from. Not as daft as it sounds as the window is high and you do have to stand on a chair an stick your head out of the window!

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