Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Last Day of Summer?

People have been talking as though this is the last day of summer, but I'm not sure that's quite right, around here at least.  Still, it has been very lovely and tomorrow won't be quite the same.  

Walked into town via the reserve on my way to collect some the the endless prescriptions this family seems to consume, though I have to admit I didn't see a lot that was blippable.  However, when I got home I set to and actually finally sowed the grass seed.  At last!!  It was while I was doing that I noticed this (almost) pristine red admiral at the far end of the garden.  If it's the last day of summer is this the last butterfly too?  I have to admit it seems very early to be saying such things, but this year anything's possible.  UK blippers all know butterflies here have had a difficult time, and yesterday I came across this downmarket assessment of how the butterfly season has gone.

Nothing else to report.

Have a great evening  xx

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