
By Schoenies

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The road access to our lovely common has been blocked. It is a favourite place for people to have picnics or just watch the sunset. There is much controversy about it, but it's been done to try and curb the Abalone poaching activities, mainly at night. We have a huge poaching problem along our coast and the poachers are becoming more brazen and arrogant. So we'll see. I will miss this access as I often take hubby there to watch the sunset, and he can't walk the longer distance where the cars will have to park. But if it helps curb the illegal activities, so be it.
I have had a really busy time, with hubby having to see the specialist today - he is fortunately not too concerned but has to have a Barium meal tomorrow. Medication should work well hopefully.  
More stress today having to do my travel insurance, and Forex technology skills are not keeping up with the world!!! I eventually went into the bank and all was sorted easily.  Tonight I shall relax and take many deep breaths!
We had strong winds last night with heavy rain. My outside table on the upstairs deck was blown upside down and two of the table legs  legs were blown into the garden!   The weather is cold again.
only eight more sleeps!!

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