Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A little outing...

...on the steam bikes...

Along the cycle way to Cullercoats for coffee,  then onwards to St Mary's Island via the lower prom - a bit grey to start with, but pleasant nonetheless.

Trenchers at the Spanish City for lunch on the way back, to test drive the ambience for a possible Cousins' get together. Half of the party have hearing issues, and if there's too much background noise it makes matters worse.

Happy to say Trenchers passed with flying colours - and Roy's fish board was particularly good - so we've booked for an October meet.

The thumbnail shows the "proper" bit of the cycle path, near the Tynemouth Castle Inn. It's great, but the section is only just over a mile long - yard for yard a very expensive undertaking, and it has caused much disruption!

A little walk round the block via the fish quay this evening just to finish off the day ;)

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