
By wingpig


Though used infrequently, these seem to be lasting quite well, though I'm now careful to loosen them properly rather than shoving them off with the other foot in case I peel away one of their heels. As no shop-bought trainers were even remotely comfortable I had to get these from the build-your-own section, at what was relatively great expense fourteen years ago, but which will probably be horrendous expense when I next need to replace these, though at least I know they'll last a while, though perhaps not another fourteen years if I use them a bit more regularly. My earliest track on a running-capturing phone app is only from 2011, so there are no records of trotting to Duddingston Road West and back along the Innocent back when we lived on the Pleasance, but there are a couple of tracks showing how long it took me to go either round the hill or round the nearby bike paths from the old house, whose pace I am at least already equalling (though all previous ventures into deliberate exercise-running have always been relatively brief as I only ever stuck with it long enough to let my metabolism catch up with my appetite). My knees currently seem quite happy with two or three miles a day so I'll try and stick with it this time as it's also quite good for managing the apprehension preceding each morning's work-catchup.

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