welcome to the real world

By dobbin

Day 25 in England

Woke up and immediately had to find Sky. Took her to brush her teeth and eat breakfast with us. She even ate some of Shan’s toast with jam and messed up her face. She was promptly banned from eating toast. Thanks Heidi, she loves her Sky! ❤

Picked up a very sleepy looking Shania from after school club today - her first time. She was holding hands with Ms Palmer so not sure how engaged she was with it.

She showed us her Cookie Monster cookie she decorated with marshmallow eyebrows as a key feature.

Went to grandma and grandpa’s for a lovely yummy dinner. Grandma showed Shania a surprise box full of Barbays *Barbie’s in Shan’s English accent*. She then played with bubbles of course!

As per every night, we snuggled to watch the wiggles before bed time. Gave daddy a goodnight cuddle followed by a ‘goodnight dude, shake my hand man’. Funniest encounter I’ve seen them have!

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