For the family

By RonaMac

Small wins

After the frustrating day yesterday, things were a bit better today. 

Nothing from the NHS, or the groundwork company that the builders are contracting to sort out the garden drainage. They were supposed to have rung us with a date by yesterday, but didn’t, so I rang them. We have a date of the 21st October, a bit later than I’d hoped for, but fingers crossed. 

Last week I was looking for some rye bread in Tesco’s, without success, a kind young man in the bakery area said that they didn’t have it, but I would get it at the branch on the edge of Stoke on Trent. Also it is a much bigger store than the Uttoxeter one.

So today we headed 10 miles west to the new store and a super surprise. I saw on Peter May’s blip that he has a new book out and looked on line last night to order a copy. I was too tired, so l left it for today. Just as well as I bought a hard back copy for considerably less than anything seen last night. 

I also bought the rye bread for us and the family, and pork bisto gravy which I thought had been discontinued as I haven’t seen it at all in the local supermarkets. 

Life is not exactly exciting at present. With the exception of the antics on Lewis !!

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