Living my dream

By Mima


This bucket has just been emptied onto the compost heap. It had contained watered-down (50:50) whey from today's cheesemaking, which is great as a compost boost.

Bean followed me across the property from the kitchen to the compost, being one of Pavlov's dogs, salivating furiously (and noisily) at my heels. She always gets to lick the empty bucket. It is the highlight of her day.

I had also put aside a jar of whey for the next sourdough. And a jar for G - who visited this afternoon - because she loves using it in scones. 

It was a Gouda cheese today. 

Two years ago I made my first cheese: a simple full milk Ricotta. I haven't looked back.

As my confidence and knowledge has grown, and as time has passed, I realise that most recipes underestimate the optimal length of time that a cheese should mature. To achieve the distinctive tasty cheeses of my childhood (when 'plastic' cheese was rare in the grocers) I leave them to mature at least 50% longer than recommended. 

Perhaps people expect cheese to be bland these days, after decades of strictly homogenous mass-produced brands. If that's the case, what a shame. Cheese is fantastic in all its various flavours and textures.

Bean doesn't get the chance to agree with me on this. But she gives her vote of approval for the whey...

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