Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob


Ah, I've had such a nice day today! Jenni, Lee and I were doing a live recording of our podcast Never Seen at the screening of Redline for Birmingham Anime Film Festival this evening, so they popped to Brum early so we could hang out for a while beforehand. I haven't seen either of them in person for literal years, so that was absolutely lovely. Adam joined us after a while for nosh at Baked In Brick before the movie. There was a minor panic beforehand when there was a delay in starting the film as Lee had a train to catch, but we managed to fit a good half hour podcast in. Not everyone in the audience stayed for the podcast but a fair few people did (many of them were people we didn't know!) and they seemed to enjoy listening to our thoughts on the movie. None of us had seen it before, and luckily both Lee and I really liked it, so we didn't get booed off the stage, haha! 

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