Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello Lovely Blippers,

Well, the HCBs may have had rain of biblical proportions yesterday, but we think it followed them home because we have had thunder, lightning and torrential rain for much of the night and again this morning.  

We wanted to go out and play in the garden, but as it is so wet, Mr. HCB didn’t think that was a good idea, in fact, he told us it would be silly to go out there, especially as it was still raining.  

We decided to listen to him, because he is a very wise man - so when Mrs. HCB suggested we played UPWORDS a word game something like Scrabble, we thought we would give it a go because we love playing games.

We even thought that it might be a good idea to have a new Olympic Sport - Playing Upwords - we think that if Break Dancing is a new sport, why can’t Upwords be one too?

You can see how well we have done and we are sure that dear Admirer would have giggled if she could have seen us trying to make up something good for this morning! ;-)  Baby Jay found it a bit difficult because, being American, he often spells things differently - like "favorite" and "color" but he soon learned our way!

We are a bit disappointed because the HCBs are going out to a Social Evening at their Church tonight and have said we can’t go because they will be too busy to look after us - so we will find another game to play and amuse ourselves until they get home and we might even look for Mrs. HCB's chocolate stash!!

Don’t forget to BE KIND - and remember that kindness is the same in any language, so even if you can’t speak someone’s language, if you are kind, then they will understand! 

Stay safe and don’t forget to wear your wellies if you go out in the rain.  
With love to you all from
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

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