
By TheOttawacker

He's definitely got the "lean" down pat

Spotted a little black cat – looked either young or very thin – in the back garden. Tried to approach it but it scooted off pretty quickly. This is how it happens…
Ottawacker Jr. started his new goalkeeping sessions. He has been apparently identified for fast-tracking and is an advanced group. Warning messages were sent out about attitude requirements and how it was going to be much more demanding than the previous sessions (we’ll see). Drove him in and one of the girls who attended the sessions normally was walking back quite disconsolately. She is a few years older than Ottawacker Jr. but is not only not very good, she’s also incapable on focusing on anything for more than a second. Maybe they have started making decisions based on ability rather than equality. That has always been my issue with this club. While I am completely in favour of the community model, making sure that everyone has a chance to play and a home team in which to do it, in reality the pyramid has no top: there is a really big base, a smaller second tier, and no “élite” capacity for players. This means, obviously, that everyone disappears once they want to develop to a high level. I am not saying Ottawacker Jr. is élite – maybe he is – but he is driven and wants to learn without having to stop sessions every five seconds because a kid wants to go and look at geese flying overhead.
Other than that, not much of a day. Got a message from my sister telling me that my younger niece had just had a lumbar puncture and has been undergoing treatment for idiopathic intracranial hypertension (or IIH), which is when cerebrospinal fluid builds up in your skull and is most definitely not pleasant. She said my niece was “OK”. Not sure what that means, but getting a straight answer out of most of my family is not easy at the best of times.
Tried to get started on a translation I had just received but discovered it had been sent in PDF form, and it seems to be locked – meaning I can’t cut and paste it to a Word document. This isn’t much of a problem except I have no way of knowing what the word count of the translation is and, therefore, how much to charge them.

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