Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

That's Your Lot

I stopped off for fuel on the way in to the hospital this morning (all these stop/start trips have taken their toll) and sat with SWMBO from 10am to the back of 5pm.

She slept when she could (not easy with the groaning (to the point of shouting) woman in the next bed and then later, some of the noisiest 'I know better that the doctors' visitors.

There was no sign of the speech and physio therapists (or doctors come to that) who we were told would visit and no sign of being moved to St John's as promised..."They have no beds but we can get a bed in the Western General......."  Umm - No Thanks - that is even worse to get to and from with non existing parking.
I suspect that SWMBO in stuck until at least Monday.

There have been various video chats and message exchanges over the course of the day. One of the messages was from my sister who (along with her husband and sister-in-law) who was at St John's to visit her mother-in-law. What they hadn't been told when they phoned to arrange the visit, was there was a case of Noravirus in the ward and they would not actually be allowed in!!! ....My sister and brother-in-law had travelled down from Stirling and his sister had travelled up from Northampton!!!

I left late afternoon as she was tired and I had things to do at home.

This was the only picture I took today ... an attempt at an 'arty' shot of the peg basket.

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