tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Light fandango

We didn't so much skip as wind our way slowly through the twins towns (our two communities exist cheek by jowl) to gather in the main square as the daylight faded.The lantern parade marked the completion of a  project to create a 'trail' of art installations that will, it's hoped,  encourage locals and visitors to explore the area on foot. An artists' collective sought ideas and suggestions from the public and then came up with ideas - not all of which received popular approval it has to be said.

 Whether or not "Art Afoot" will prove a success or not, the lantern parade certainly hit the spot. The piece de resistance  was without a doubt the owl, made by professional artists, but amateurs, schools and youth organisations contributed  a sea horse, insects, a flotilla of jellyfish and other creatures. Along with paper lanterns they created a striking effect as the parade passed along the dimming streets and folk came out of their houses to watch.

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