Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Creature comforts

For lizards, spiders, bees, caterpillars and butterflies.  

I let my yard sort of grow wild so that I can see what likes to visit.  Today it was a good group.    I do want to say that the tiny lizard did not eat that daddy longlegs.   The caterpillars have apparently made some cocoons as there were two gulf fritillaries fluttering in the yard.   I don't have much for them to eat now as everything is dying down.  The cats have completely eaten all the leaves off the passionflower vines.  I keep looking along the bike it is vining over to see if I can spot a cocoon but so far no luck finding them.   I know they have to be there!!  

I was really hard to catch that tiny bee thing next to the purple heart.  I took so many photos and it had moved so quick it was just blank space.  Not like that big bee...he was just chilling.  

A really warm day today.  I did some major weeding around the edges of the flower beds and started what I hope is the last grass cutting.   But it was too hot for me so maybe I will get that done late today when the sun goes behind the trees. 

Hope you are all having a great weekend, Blippers!

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