Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Ta-ra To F***in Yew

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today we lost Lee-Ann, and I felt very sad. 


Maybe not quite as sad as Briar. 

Lee-Ann has been such a lovely presence in my working life ever since I came back to Kainga Ora. Sadly, she is another casualty of our 


not that I'm bitter. 

Fortunately, Lee-Ann already has another job. And better yet, it is not far from the Kainga Ora office. She will be based on The Terrace, basically opposite where I used to work when I was at MPI. 

"We'll meet up for lunch regularly," I told her. And then I gave her a Crunchie. Because it is Crunchie Thursday.

I also gave Crunchies to Briar, Luke and Olivia. Later that day as I was about to leave, Luke started his. 

"Oh Olivia just opened hers as well," I said, pointing over to her desk. Luke wasted no time. He ran around to her desk and they toasted over Crunchies. 

"We touched tips!" he beamed at me as I left the office. 

I am unsure if Lee-Ann will experience this level of bonkersness in her new office.

As I left, Lee-Ann shared with me her new Instagram discovery, the Queen of Scotty Road.

He is a Scouse man who posts on there and she just loves him, especially his sign-off line: "TA-RAAAAAAA to F*CCHHHKKKIN YEW!!" in a broad Liverpudlian accent.

I'm going to miss her. 


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