
By 58jc


Anyone who reads this rubbish regularly will know that I love sewing (my dear Mum also loved sewing and knitting and crochet and we all had handmade clothes, and she made my bridesmaid dresses).  However I am not great at making clothes as they never fit and fabric is so expensive but I make lots of other things.  Current project is Peter Rabbit - I have a few friends whose off spring are expecting and I will make them a rabbit and also buy them the Beatrix Potter book - a different sort of present?  

The prototype was ok but I will a few changes to the final one.

Today was a bit more pottering - No.1 and JC left around 4.00 to collect the car for the second 'Bridget Jones' experience, as the last one went pear shaped.  They are off to a wedding tomorrow so keeping everything crossed that No.1 feels well, the car works out, the weather holds and they have a good time.  

OH was meeting J in London so I took him to the station and then had an almost 2 hour phone catch up with FH - I poured a glass of wine and we chatted for ages.  Nice to be 'home alone' for a change.

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