Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Rubbish, brambles and water

Yet another good day, but maybe the last. Tomorrow is supposed to be cloudy, and Tuesday wet. Oh well - we've had a brilliant mini-summer!
We went down to the ferry terminal this morning to meet Daughter One who's setting off on a week's walk. We took a picnic along to Dungallan Park and sat in the sun watching the boats until it was time to take her to the bus station.
I did think about going back to the Corran Halls to finish unloading the soil, but thought it wiser to give it a miss for a day. I'll carry on maybe on Monday. I hadn't done a litter pick for a while so set off for that and spent a couple of hours cleaning up after the Dirty People. At the bottom of Laurel Road a small table had been set up with a cool box and a sign advertising cold bottled water. It was being manned by three children who were also handing out free local maps. Their parents were keeping an eye out for them from a house across the road. As I approached them, the older boy asked if I would like a bottle of water, but when I told him I had no money with me he said ‘As you’re clearing up rubbish you can have a bottle for nothing.’ He was only about seven years old. So sweet! I asked if I could take their photograph, so he called across the road to ask his parents and his father replied to say that it was OK. My Blip today, using my tiny Power Shot Canon.
After returning home I went back down to the road just along from us to pick brambles, before getting cleaned up. I picked another three pounds. Then at last it was back to a cuppa and a book in the sun!
Quote of the Day: ‘If the garbage man calls, tell him we don't want any.’ - Groucho Marx.

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