
By rach

The Stopper

I bought this for my mom so she could close up a bottle of wine after she opens it. It was hard to get the cork back in. Today was a very good day! I had coffee with my mom at work and we "visited" in between customers. Then I went bowling with my "second" cousins who are visiting from California and one that lives here. After that I talked to Mr. Rafer Johnson on the phone! He is a famous athelete . In 1960 he won a gold medal in the decathlon at the Rome Olympics! A decathlon is ten different things made into one. He did long jumps, races, javelin throw, pole vaulting, races and he won them all to take first place. Then in 1984 when the Olympics were in Los Angeles, he carried the torch! After he was through with competing, he became an announcer and an actor. But I think the most important thing he did was found the Southern California Special Olympics! He was there for the Summer Special Olympics and spoke to everyone. My aunt works in an office under his office and she brought his secretary a picture of me wearing all 18 of my medals from Special Olympics. She asked his secretary if Mr. Johnson could sign it for me and he did! Then he asked if he could talk to me and so he called and I got to thank him in person for that and for everything he does to help me and others to be the best that we can be. My mom and dad and I all had a little wine at dinner to celebrate. It was the best day ever!

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