
By ArcLight

A change of scene

When I was back here earlier in September, I thought it might be nice if I could have an occasional cold water swim, what with the therapeutic benefits, etc. etc. So having carted some relevant kit back to Edinburgh on the train last week, I was able to join an Edinburgh Bluetits swim at Groyne 5 in Portobello today, in decidedly choppy but not too cold water (probably around 13 degrees, I would say). The water was very muddy / grey and I certainly wanted to avoid swallowing any if I possibly could. There were about 15 swimmers, and it felt strange, after Shandwick, to see quite so many people on the beach.

I cycled there and back, so overall it made for some fairly complete exercise. I didn't do much actual swimming and at low tide it seems more or less impossible in Porty to go out of your depth, without walking to Fife. But it was fun, and the swimmers seem very friendly. I put my phone and keys in a dry bag inside the float, and left the rest of my stuff at one of the colourful pegs that have been installed at Groyne 5. At some point I shall try out Wardie Bay and see how that goes. It's a slightly shorter cycle, and with the electric bike it is easy to get back up the hill.

Back here, I'm afraid it's been a repeat of yesterday's general sloth, minus the cleaning, even though I could think of some that needed doing.... I fell asleep for a while under my blanket, which I always find a bit disconcerting in the afternoon. I've prepared myself mentally for the week ahead, which is fairly busy, but not as bonkers busy as the last two weeks. And I've made very good progress with Missing, Presumed, our next book group book.

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